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Find Your Ring Size

Ring Sizing Apps

Having trouble remembering your ring size? We recommend checking out these ring sizing apps. You can find it on Google Play or on the App(le) Store.


You will need to have a ring in the size you'd like to measure.

A Few More Notes About Sizing:
- on the ring sizer app, the circle needs to be DIRECTLY under your ring to be properly read
- More people order rings that are too large than too small
- The thinner the band, the looser the fit
- The larger the stone, the looser the fit
Keep these pointers in mind, and also remember you can easily exchange your ring for another size!
If you don't have a ring to use to measure, we recommend EM Ring Sizer. You will be able to learn the sizes of all of your fingers!

If You Have A Ring And It's Too Large:
Click Here for a handy product from Amazon that will keep your ring from slipping off.